Property Upgrade Planner

Underlaying Reasons for you to Plan
If you own a HDB with lease decay and looking for an Upgrade.
If you own a Condo with lease decay and looking for an Upgrade.
If you own a Landed that you no longer needs such big space.
If you own a 99 year Landed wanting to get a Freehold Landed.
It is normal for home owners to re-evaluate their options when the times comes be it if you are owning a HDB or Condo.
Over the years, we assisted property owners to do property planning catered to their individual needs.
You maybe looking into the following plan
Aged HDB to Freehold Condo.
Executive Condo to Condo Near Parents and Schools.
Aged Condo to a HDB.
Bigger Condo to Two Condos, One to Stay, One for rental income.
5 Year Mop HDB to Condo
Condo to Landed
Market Demographics Changes from Time to Time
Covid to Pre Covid
Low Interest to High Interest
Investment Properties to Residing Properties.
Individual / Family Needs Changes from Time to Time
From Single to Married, Needing a Bigger Matrimonial Home.
From Small to Extend Families.

“Never too Late to Plan” Every families has their different requirements for planning – However the Motivator Factors are usually for the same few good reasons. Speak to us today.