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Singapore’s Maturing Co-Living Sector: Is It Safe for landlords to Rent to them in slow market.

Singapore’s Maturing Co-Living Sector: Is It Safe for landlords to Rent to them in slow market.

Brace yourself for a startling revelation: In the final quarter of 2023 till now the 2nd Quarter 2024, Singapore’s rental market witnessed a decline for the first time in rental market, according to the Urban Redevelopment Authority’s data. This unexpected downturn caught many landlords off guard, leaving them grappling with prolonged vacancies as a flood of newly completed units saturated the market.

Key Takeaways

  • The Singapore rental market experienced an unexpected decline in the last quarter of 2023, marking the first drop in three years.
  • Landlords faced prolonged vacancies as a surge of newly completed units flooded the market, softening the once-hot rental landscape.
  • The maturing co-living sector presented both opportunities and challenges for landlords, prompting them to reevaluate their rental strategies.
  • Thorough tenant screening, property management, and competitive pricing became crucial for landlords to navigate the evolving rental market trends.
  • Shared accommodation and millennial housing preferences shaped the co-living sector, reflecting urban living trends and real estate investment considerations.

The Softening Rental Market: A Reality Check for Landlords

The Singapore rental market trends have taken an unexpected downturn, leaving landlords grappling with plummeting rental demand amidst a rising supply of rental properties. The once-booming sector finds itself navigating a slow rental market, posing significant rental property investment risks.

Plummeting Rental Demand Amid Rising Supply

We observed that since the second half of 2023, numerous expats returned home, while Singaporeans transitioned to their Build-To-Order (BTO) flats, contributing significantly to the high supply of available rental condos.  Noting higher condo rental supply and lower prices from 2024, as landlords faced pressure to rent quickly and service mortgages due to interest rates hovering around 3.8%.

Pandemic-Induced Construction Delays Fuel Rental Surge

The rental property surge over the past three years was partially fueled by pandemic construction delays in the residential sector, the influx of foreign talent and international students, and more Singaporeans seeking independent living spaces. These factors collectively drove up rental demand, exacerbating the current market imbalance.

Tenants Leaving Rental Market

Christine Sun, OrangeTee Group’s chief researcher, noted an apparent increase in the unemployment rate, prompting more expats to break leases and return to their home countries. Savills Research data reveals that in 2023, only 82,257 private residential properties were rented out islandwide, reflecting an 8.9% decrease compared to 2022 and the lowest leasing volume since 2016, indicative of a rental market exodus.

Year Private Residential Properties Rented Year-on-Year Change
2023 82,257 -8.9%
2022 90,318 +5.2%
2021 85,792 +4.1%

Rising Costs Squeezing Landlords’ Profits

As the real estate landscape in Singapore evolves, landlords are grappling with rising rental costs that threaten to erode their profit margins. The perfect storm of increasing property expenses, such as higher mortgage rates, elevated property taxes, and mounting maintenance fees, has cast a shadow over their once-lucrative rental investment returns.

In response to these mounting pressures, some landlords have contemplated passing these costs onto their tenants through rent increases. However, this strategy carries the risk of prolonged vacancies if tenants resist rent hikes and seek out more affordable rental options.

Singapore's Maturing Co-Living Sector: 
Is It Safe for landlords to Rent to them in slow market.

Tenants Resisting Rent Hikes and Seeking Affordable Options

Property agents have observed a “growing disparity” between tenant and landlord expectations, with many landlords holding firm on their asking rents while cost-conscious renters resist hikes. Some tenants have opted to move to cheaper suburban areas, while others have traded their condo living for more affordable HDB flats or even considered purchasing their own homes to avoid the burden of rent price negotiations.

Landlords Reluctant to Lower Asking Rents

Despite the changing market dynamics, a segment of landlords remains reluctant to lower their asking rents. Having witnessed surges of 20-30% during the property boom until mid-2023, these landlords are hesitant to accept lower rents, even as the market shifts in favor of tenants with more choices. However, analysts have urged them to consider rental market adjustments and rental price reductions to stay competitive and avoid prolonged vacancies.

As the rental market landscape continues to evolve, landlords must carefully navigate their rent pricing strategies, weighing the risks of rental income loss against the need to remain competitive in a market that increasingly favors tenants with more options available.

The Impact of New Residential Completions

The rental market in Singapore has been grappling with an oversupply of housing units, fueled by the completion of several new residential developments and mega condo launches in 2023. Major projects like Treasure at Tampines (2,203 units), The Florence Residences, Riverfront Residences, and Affinity at Serangoon (each with over 1,000 units) have added thousands of new units to the market, contributing to rental market saturation.

Mega Developments Adding Thousands of Units

The influx of newly completed units has been staggering, with close to 20,000 new private residential units hitting the market in 2023 – more than double the 2022 figure and the highest since 2016. This surge in supply has drastically altered the landscape, tilting the scales in favor of tenants who now have a plethora of choices at their disposal.

Landlords Urged to Lower Rents to Stay Competitive

Faced with this changing market dynamic, property agents have urged landlords to lower rents or risk prolonged vacancies as tenants’ market conditions prevail. With an abundance of rental options available, landlords must adopt competitive rental pricing strategies to ensure their properties remain attractive and desirable to prospective tenants.

Failure to adapt to the shifting market environment could result in extended periods of vacancy, ultimately impacting rental property competitiveness and diminishing returns on investment. Proactive rent reductions may be necessary to maintain a steady flow of tenants and avoid the financial strain of vacant units.

Year New Private Residential Units Completed
2022 8,590
2023 19,975
2024 (Projected) 10,268
2025 (Projected) 8,242

The table above illustrates the surge in new private residential unit completions in 2023, more than doubling the previous year’s figure. With projections indicating a continued influx of supply in the coming years, landlords must remain vigilant and adapt their strategies accordingly to maintain a competitive edge in the rental market.

Renting to a Family vs Co-living Pros and Cons

As a landlord in Singapore, I’m often faced with the decision of renting to family rental tenants or co-living groups. Both options come with their own set of pros and cons that require careful consideration.

Renting to family rental tenants can offer a sense of stability and reliability. Families tend to stay for longer periods, reducing the hassle of frequent tenant screening and turnovers. However, they may also contribute to higher wear and tear on the property, especially if there are young children involved.

On the other hand, co-living arrangements, where multiple individuals share a living space, can present a different set of property management challenges. While there may be a higher turnover rate, the risk of family-related damages is typically lower. Additionally, co-living tenants often prioritize affordability and flexibility, making them more open to reasonable rent adjustments.

Weighing the co-living rental pros and cons is crucial for me as a landlord. While co-living may offer higher occupancy rates, I need to factor in the potential for increased administrative work and the need for more frequent tenant screening.

To navigate these choices effectively, I rely on thorough tenant screening processes and robust property management strategies. This includes conducting comprehensive background checks, setting clear expectations, and maintaining open communication with tenants.

Family Rental Tenants Co-living Rental
Longer tenancy duration Higher tenant turnover
Potential for higher wear and tear Lower risk of family-related damages
Stability and reliability Flexibility and affordability
Fewer tenant screening processes More frequent tenant screening required
Potential for long-term relationships Increased property management challenges

Ultimately, the decision to rent to families or co-living tenants depends on my specific priorities and risk tolerance as a landlord. By carefully evaluating the co-living rental pros and cons and implementing sound property management strategies, I can make informed choices that align with my investment goals.

Rental Market Outlook and Predictions

As the Singapore housing landscape continues to evolve, property analysts and industry experts have offered their rental market forecasts and predictions for the year ahead. With a significant influx of new residential units on the horizon, rental price moderation and the potential for prolonged rental vacancies at market-rate prices have become topics of concern.

Analysts Forecast Rental Price Moderation in 2024

According to housing market trends and data from reputable sources, the oversupply of rental properties is expected to contribute to a moderation in rental prices throughout 2024. Savills Research has forecasted a 5% year-on-year drop in private residential rental prices, while rents could still see mild increases for renewing tenants compared to two years prior.

With approximately 18,500 additional units slated for completion between 2024 and 2025, the rental demand slowdown is anticipated to continue, potentially exerting downward pressure on rental rates.

Potential for Prolonged Vacancies at Market Rates

As the market dynamics shift, property analysts have cautioned that landlords seeking rental increases beyond market-rate levels might face prolonged rental vacancies and market-rate rental challenges. Alan Cheong of Savills Singapore warned that fewer inquiries and extended vacancies could become a reality for those unwilling to adjust their pricing strategies.

Furthermore, the slowing economy and the impact of the tech sector fallout were expected to further influence rental demand in the second half of 2023, potentially exacerbating the imbalance between supply and demand.

Factor Impact
Oversupply of Rental Properties Downward pressure on rental rates
Economic Slowdown Reduced rental demand
Tech Sector Fallout Decreased demand from expats

As market forces continue to shape the rental landscape, landlords and investors are advised to remain vigilant, adaptable, and responsive to the evolving trends to navigate this dynamic environment successfully.


As the co-living sector in Singapore matures, landlord strategies must evolve to address changing rental market analysis and dynamics. Rising costs, shifting tenant preferences, and an influx of newly completed developments have reshaped the landscape, necessitating a nimble approach to real estate investment outlook.

In this climate, thorough due diligence, competitive pricing, and strategic property management are paramount for successful navigation. Landlords must prudently assess the pros and cons of renting to families versus co-living tenants, factoring in aspects like potential wear and tear, tenant turnover, and property management challenges.

While the road ahead presents obstacles, opportunities abound for those willing to pivot their approach proactively. By staying attuned to market demands and embracing innovative strategies, landlords can position themselves favorably in Singapore’s evolving co-living sector, capitalizing on emerging trends and cultivating a sustainable real estate investment outlook.

FAQ : Singapore’s Maturing Co-Living Sector: Is It Safe for landlords to Rent to them in slow market.

What caused the softening of Singapore’s rental market in late 2023-2024?

The rental market softened due to a surge in newly completed private residential units flooding the market, combined with expats returning home and Singaporeans transitioning to their Build-To-Order (BTO) flats, leading to higher supply and lower demand.

What challenges did landlords face due to rising costs?

Landlords faced higher mortgage rates, increased property taxes, and rising maintenance fees, potentially squeezing their profits. Some considered passing these costs to tenants, risking prolonged vacancies if tenants did not accept higher rents.

How did tenants respond to the changing rental market conditions?

Many tenants resisted rent hikes and sought more affordable rental options, such as moving to cheaper suburban areas, opting for HDB flats instead of condos, or considering buying a property to avoid higher rents.

What impact did new residential completions have on the rental market?

Major residential developments like Treasure at Tampines, The Florence Residences, Riverfront Residences, and Affinity at Serangoon added thousands of new units to the market, contributing to the oversupply of rental properties. Landlords were urged to lower rents to stay competitive.

What are the pros and cons of renting to families vs. co-living tenants?

Family tenants may offer stability but higher wear and tear, while co-living could mean higher tenant turnover but less family-related damages. Thorough tenant screening and property management strategies are crucial.

What is the rental market outlook and predictions for 2024?

Analysts forecast a 5% year-on-year drop in private residential rental prices in 2024, and landlords seeking rental increases beyond market rates might face prolonged vacancies. The slowing economy and tech sector fallout were expected to impact rental demand in the second half of 2023.

What strategies should landlords consider in Singapore’s maturing co-living sector?

As the co-living sector matures, landlords must adapt to changing market conditions, rising costs, and tenant preferences. Thorough due diligence, competitive pricing, and strategic property management are key to navigating this evolving landscape successfully.



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